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The Stover Foundation

A ministry of Evangelism, Education, and Compassion

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W. Robert Stover (June 26, 1921 - February 5, 2015) identified himself, not by parentage, gender or class, but by his relationship to Jesus Christ. Quoting Robert Monger, the minister who led him to the Lord, he declared “My heart, Christ’s home.”


A Pacific fleet commander during World War II, Mr. Stover completed his Navy duty in San Francisco with $700 in his pocket and an entrepreneurial vision: He would launch a temporary service company that would find jobs for returning service personnel and others in America’s rapidly growing post-war economy, and he would do so with a stewardship that befits disciples of Jesus Christ.


Mr. Stover’s dream flourished and became the largest privately owned temporary service company in the world. Eschewing accolades that others accorded him, he attributed his success to blessings from the Lord, a devoted family, loyal employees, and the free enterprise opportunities that are enjoyed by citizens of the United States. He determined that the gifts he received would be shared through a lifetime of generosity and, following his death, by the work of his foundation.


Mr. Stover believed that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and he called for his foundation to be similarly Christo-centric. His evangelism – especially among early teens – led persons to a decision for Christ. He invested in educational institutions that point not only to various truths, but to the source of all truth. His charity encouraged and often enabled recipients to rise above dependency. He loved his country and determined to inspire and equip its leaders with the Judeo-Christian principles that are embedded in its founding documents.


The foundation that Mr. Stover and his wife, Joan founded does not pretend to be a Rockefeller, Carnegie or Mellon. A modest actor in the world of philanthropy, it invests its contributions strategically, in a manner that it believes will be multiplied by the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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How Grants are Awarded



The Stover Foundation only considers grant applications from organizations that it has invited to apply.


  1. The Stover Foundation exists to bear witness to the singular, saving Lordship of Jesus Christ through funding ministries of evangelism, education, and compassion that are harmonious with Mr. Robert Stover's core values as memorialized in his history and the limitations in the foundation's grant policy. The foundation's educational grants favor projects which promote faithful Christian citizenship, entrepreneurship, and free enterprise.

  2. The Stover Foundation does not award grants for the following purposes:

    • For private foundations as defined in Section 509a of the IRS Code

    • For specific individuals and/or their personal benefit

    • For individuals unauthorized to act on behalf of a qualified tax-exempt organization

    • For funds that will ultimately be passed through to other organizations

    • For propagandizing or for influencing legislation and litigation for the purpose of influencing or changing legislation and elections

    • For sectarian or religious organizations whose principal activity is for the primary benefit of their own members

    • For promotion or performance of abortion or euthanasia

    • For long-term loans, endowments, debt retirement, operational deficits, or to finance fund raising activities

    • Ordinarily for emergency or disaster relief

    • For media organizations including production and airtime

    • For local church operating budgets (targeted evangelism, education and compassion projects that are over and above the operating budget may be considered)

    • The foundation does not fund direct services to poor and suffering persons in local communities, believing that such services are best funded by Christians in  communities that they seek to serve.



               The Stover Foundation

               7101 Bay Front Drive # 604

               Annapolis, Maryland 21403



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